The Twin-ladies Samantha and Maritha of Turain get a brother, Sir Peter of Turain.


Early SummerSir Benjamin of Malbourgh finds both sisters very attracktive, but Sir Leonard is still very nervous. Standing before Sir Stephan and Lady Gaynor Fern of Turain, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, he asks for one of the twins hand, if one of them will marry him.

The Ladies Maritha and Samantha of Turain starts gigling, and to break the imbarishment, Sir Benjamin added, he'll take them borh, if none of the twins want his brother, and the twins starts gigling again.

Sir Stephan and Lady Gaynor Fern of Turain decides, the Malbourghian brothers can spend some time with the twin-ladies of Turain under survivery of their brother Sir Peter of Turain. so they can decide, if they want the brothers as their husband.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh declairs, he needs to know how Lady Maritha and Samantha are kissing, so he can advice Sir Leonard on whom he's going to marry.

Lady Maritha of Turain kisses Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh first.

While Lady Maritha kisses Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Sir Benjamin steals a kiss from Lady Samantha,

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh declairs, they was both good kissers, so he needs more kisses to advice Sir Leonard, whom he shall marry.

Sir Peter of Turain protests. They cannot go around kissing like that before they are married.

Lady Maritha kisses Sir Peter of Turain and asks him to shut up.

At night, Lady Samantha of Turain wants to know, how Sir Leonard of Malbourgh is kissing. Lady Maritha tells her, she can try it her self.

Midsummer Lady Maritha of Turain is complaining to Lady Samantha, she shall do something about this marriage and decide, whom she is going to marry because, she's going to marry one of the Malbourghian brothers.

Lady Samantha of Turain states, she cannot decide yet.

Next day, Lady Maritha of Turain kisses Sir Leonard of Malbourgh good morning, while Sir Benjamin kisses Lady Samantha.

Next morning, Samantha of Turain approaches Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, if he have seen her sister, Maritha of Turain. He haven't and he couldn't find Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh either.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain formed the last search team.

Lady Samantha of Turain is very sad, and misses her sister very much, since they never are appart before. Sir Leonard of Malbourgh tries to comfort her as much he can.

At the end of the day, there is still non sign of Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha of Turain, and they cancel the search until next day.

At dusk, the search is postponed until dawn, because it is the season of the harpies, and they are most dangerous at dusk.

Everybody is vorried about the absence Lady Maritha of Turain and nobody seems notice Sir Leonard of Malbourgh sneaks into the room of Lady Samantha of Turain.

He do his best to soothe Lady Samantha. Sir Leonard of Malbourgh promis, he will make Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh his peer at Malbourgh Castle, so Lady Samantha of Turain can live with her sister at Malbourgh Castle wuthout have to part, if Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha of Turain marries, too.

Lady Samantha of Turain love to marry Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and he graps the chance to pop her sherry, before they fells to sleep togther.

Next morning, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha are woken up by some warbling squeaks outside the castle.

Lady Samantha of Turain jumps out of bed to look out of the window. Sir Leonard of Malbourgh joining her at the window and sees, some giant birds orbiting in the sky, but don't know, what it is, but Samantha of Turain is very scared of them.

Lady Samantha of Turain explains, it is harpies. They arrive to Turain Shire at Midsummer and are very agresive, and they are attacking everybody whom enters The Cursed Horn. Lady Samantha is worried that, it is Lady Maritha and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh the harpies are attacking, because Lady Samantha and Lady Maritha have been in trouble before at The Cursed Horn when they hid there. Lady Samantha suspects, it is likely Lady Maritha will hide with Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh at The Cursed Horn to be alone with him.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh believes, his brother is likely to take the same risk.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain get dressed and rush out at the castle. Lady Samantha of Turain arms herself with bow and arrows.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain find, Sir Peter of Turain, Hayley and Ruddy Locky and Sills Mayson armed with bow and arrows.

They ride of toward The Cursed Horn.

At the base of the horn, they meet up with, Finley Mayson, Sir Ethan of Turain and Dawley Mayberry armed with bows and arrows from Turain Town.

They make a bomfire, and start shooting fire arrows after the harpies to scare them away.

Lady Samantha of Turain spots Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh carrying a vounded Lady Maritha of Turain. Lady Samantha and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh runs to their aid.

Lady Samantha of Turain spots Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh carrying a vounded Lady Maritha of Turain. Lady Samantha and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh runs to their aid.

Out of harms way, the all go to Gorge Castle, where Lady Maritha recives medical care from Jenis Mayson.

Sir Stephan of Turain have Sir Benjamin of Lewinton arrested for violation Lady Maritha of Turain, but Lady Samantha protests. She have spend the night with her future husband, too, and she have arranged Lady Maritha and har self are going to marry Sir Benjamin and Leonard of Malbourgh to live at Malbourgh Castle togther.

Late Summer When Lady Maritha of Turain recovered from her vound, she spends the rest of the summer with her sister, Lady Samantha of Turain, and Sir Benjamin and Leonard of Malbourgh.

Though, Sir Peter of Turain is still supposed to guard over the couples, he have fallen in love with Hayley Locky, so he failed his durty.

Sills Mayson and Janis Baker is guarding them too, and that keeps them apart throgh the night.

Sir Benjamin and Leonard of Malbourgh agree with Sir Stephan of Turain, their wedding shall take place at Malbourgh Castle at Midsummer next year, so they can prepare the weddings.

Late Autumn Lady Samantha of Turain reveals to Lady Marisa of Turain, she miss making love with Sir Leonard of Malbourgh.

Lady Maritha is much surprised. She had been kissing and cuddling with both brothers to get their attention, and Lady Samantha of Turain just frigs the most handsome of the brothers.

Lady Samantha of Turain had a talk with Janis Baker, and she knew how to do it safe.

Christmas Lady Samantha of Turain can't stand not to have sex any more, so she have Ruddy Locky, the captain of the Turainian army, to shaft her in secrecy.


Early Spring Lady Samantha of Turain can't take it any more to be way from Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, and she wants to go to Malbourgh, to see Sir Leonard of Malbourgh again and starts to organize a departure for Malbourgh, though it's to early for the wedding.

Lady Samantha of Turain have their oncle and aunt Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud to excord her and Lady Maritha of Turain to Malbourgh. Their brother, Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee, Hayley Locky, follows them too.

As bodyguards they to Malbourgh bring Ruddy Locky and Sills Mayson, whom have his fiancee, Janis Baker with him.

Janis Baker secretly provides Lady Samantha of Turain with preventive potion, to prevent anything to happen, when she use Ruddy Locky as her carpet knight.

Late Spring Sir Ethan of Turain unexspectably arrives at Malbourgh Castle with the Turainian twins together with their crew: Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud, Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee, Hayley Locky, and their bodyguard Ruddy Locky and Sills Mayson, whom have his fiancee, Janis Baker, and demands a place to stay until the wedding.

Sir Patrick and Lady Lady Cathry of Malbourgh welcome the early guest, and like Sir Ethan of Turain, his wife and children, Sharon, Annika and Gielgud to stay at the castle. Likewise Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee, Hayley Locky.

Lady Maritha and Lady Samantha of Turain must stay at The Crowmed Liom with their bodyguard, Ruddy Locky, Sills Mayson and Jenis Baker until they get married.

Sir Benjamin and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh have Lady Maritha and Lady Samantha installed in two interconnecting suites, each with a room for the guards at The Crowned Liom.

Lady Maritha has Sills Mayson and Jenis Baker as guard and Lady Samantha has Ruddy Locky as guard.

When Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky come to inspect the guards of the Turainian twin-ladies, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh gets a message from Slim Bellerby.

Early Summer, Lady Samantha of Turain tells Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, she can't wait any lomger and he have to find a way to get passed the guard, Ruddy Locky, to make with her again.

Lady Samantha of Turain doesn't mentions, she still uses Ruddy Locky as her carpet knight.

Hence, Finly Dade performes for Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha, Sir Benjamin and Lady Maritha, Lady Valerie and Pete Barta, Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud and Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky.

after the show Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh follows Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud and Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky home to Malbourgh Castle.

After the show Finly Dade starts kissing and cuddling with Ruddy Locky.

While Ruddy Locky is preoccupied, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha sneaks into the suite of Lady Samantha to sleep together.

Later Kari Bellerby finds Sir Leonard of Malbourgh at The Crowmed Lion together with Lady Samantha of Turain and his brother, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, and Lady Maritha of Turain.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh thanks Kari Bellerby for her service, that have made both Lady Samantha of Turain and him self very happy, and tell her to ask, if there is anything he can do in return.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh is a bit depressed over his fait. Sir Leonard of Malbourgh repites his promis, that he and Lady Samantha of Turain will take good care of Sir Benjamin and Lady Maritha when he becomes Lord of Malbourgh.

When married to Lady Samantha, Sir Leonard will talk with their father, Sir Patrick of Malbourgh and have him make Sir Benjamin keeper of Malbourgh Castle instead of their oncle, Sean Dade.

Sean Dade can become captain instead of Hamish Bellerby, whom they can keep as Lieutenant.

Kari Bellerby points out, Sir Patrick and Lady Cathry of Malbourgh probably will keep her mother, Syreeta Bellerby, as their personal pharmacist, however, she offers herself to become the personal pharmacist of Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha when they become married. She can have the appendix lodgings to their suite made for the warders.

Lady Samantha of Turain becomes very entutiastic about this proposal and claims, then they got a pharmacist when Jenis Baker have to return to Turain after the weddings.

Lady Maritha, on the other hand, gets very upset and asks, who is going to take care of her and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh.

Kari Bellerby smooth things out by saying, she might be able to convince her cousin, Moira Lieberman, to become personal pharmacist of Lady Maritha and Sir Benjamin.

Lady Maritha things it's an excellent idea, and Sir Benjamin nervously keeps quiet.

In the evning, Kari Bellerby arrives at The Crowmed Lion with Moira Lieberman.

Moira Lieberman is introduced to Lady Maritha of Turain, and though Moira hates Lady Maritha, Moira makes a good impreession on Lady Maritha.

Lady Maritha of Turain asks Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh to take Moira Lieberman to the castle to prepare the apendix suite for her.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh asks his Sir Benjamin as the coming castle keeper to install Kari Bellerby at her suite too, because he likes to linger with Lady Maritha and Samantha.

Midsummer When the rumour of the early arrival of the Turainian twins to Malbourgh, their family start to arrive at Malbourgh too.

The uncle and aunt of the twins, Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon arrive with their cousins Sir Thomas of Wondon and Lady Stefanie with her fiancee David Smith, who is their bodyguard too, and the other oncle and aunt of the twins, Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric with their Children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern, arrive together, as the Guttrician had traveled throgh Wondon and Grossbourgh to bypass the mountains of Lewinton with their bodyguard, Abe Walden.

Each family gets their own suite at The Crowmed Lion.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain are entertaining Sir William, Lady Marisa, Sir Thomas, Lady Stefanie and David Smith of Wondon, and Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson, Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric.

Sir Leonard and Sir Benjamin of Malbourg are told, their cousin Sir Gareth of Lewinton is at the gate of Malbourg, and Sir Leonard of Malbourg asks Sir Benjamin of Malbourg to recive him and book him into The Crowmed Lion, while he's cuddling with his future wife, Lady Samantha of Turan.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourg kissis Lady Maritha of Turain, and takes Kari Bellerby with him out in the theatre's yard as his maid.

At the pub of the theatre. while cuddling with his future wife, Lady Samantha of Turain, who is guarded by Ruddy Locky, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh introduces the rest of the guests for Sir Gareth of Lewinton:

Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon and their childen, Sir Thomas of Wondon and Lady Stefanie with her fiancee David Smith.

They came some days ago with Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric and their Childen, Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric.

Their future wifes has their uncle, Sir Ethan of Turain, and his wife, Sharon Turain, with their childen, Annika and Gielgud.

At the launch area of the theatre the afternoon before The Midsummer Concert, Abe Walden finds his family, Lady Maritha and Samantha of Turain with their bodygaurds Ruddy Locky, Sills Mayson and Janis Baker together with Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric and their children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric.

Ruddy Locky and Finly Dade suon starts cuddling together.

Lady Samantha of Turain likes to show her family her coming maids, Chantelle Wood and Moira Liebermann.

Kari Bellerby quckly suggest, she go find Moira Liebermann and Conrad Combler is send back to the castle to get Chantelle Wood and his sister, Etta Combler.

Kari Bellerby turns up with Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and Moira Liebermann, and Moments later Conrad Combler returns with Chantelle Wood and Etta Combler.

On an other table for the brides, Lady Maritha and Samantha of Turain with their uncle and aunt, Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain, and their brother Sir Peter of Turain with his girlfriend Hayley Locky, and their Guards, Sills Mayson, Jenis Baker and Ruddy Lock.

The father of Niel Hauck, Roger Hauck, will be serving this table.

After supper, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden enters the stage, and start play music.

As soon as Sir Leonard of Malbourgh hears the music, he dashes to the table, where Lady Samantha of Turain is sitting, and invites her to dance with him.

Samantha of Turain loves to dance with him, and they are dancing until the music stops.

Bettina Hauck annonces a small break in the show, and the audience returns to their seats.

At the break, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh invites Lady Samantha of Turain to sit with him, and Sir Gareth of Lewinton gives her, his place and takes her old place.

When Sir Gareth of Lewinton start dancing, Sills Mayson, Jenis Baker, Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson of Guttric, Sir Ethan of Turain, Sharon Turain, Sir William, Lady Marisa of Wondon, Lady Stefanie of Wondon, David Smith, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Lady Maritha of Turain, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain, Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky quikly start dancing together.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh giggly goes dancing and cuddling with Kari Bellerby.

Slim Bellerby goes to Conrad Combler and asks him to dance.

Charles Riggs leaves the children's table approaching the table of Etta Combler, to asks her to dance with him, but Chantelle Wood siftly blocks his away, and Etta Combler excapes to the table of Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and starts dancing with him.

Hence, Charles Riggs takes Chantelle Wood out for dancing.

When Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden finishing the playing, Eileen Twinley is hugging them all, and thanks them for the dance, and says goodnight until tomorrw. Then Eileen Twinley and Sir Garthe of Lewinton amorously return to lodging of Sir Gareth of Lewinton.

Finly Dade is kissing Ruddy Locky, while Sir Leonard of Malbourgh kisses Lady Samantha of Turain goodnight.

When Lady Samantha of Turain had kissed Sir Leonard goodnight, she lockes her in to her room and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh leaves with Slim Bellerby, and Ruddy Locky and Conrad Combler are stading guard at her suite.

When Finly Dade has left with Ruddy Locky, Sir Leonard of Marlborough and Slim Bellerby reappairs, and Sir Leonard is knocking at the door to the suite.

Lady Samantha of Turain is embrassing Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, and Slim Bellerby promises Sir Leonard he'll stading guard trough the night and warn them, if somebody comes, while they are making love together.

Very early in the morning, Slim Bellerby wakes Sir Leonard of Malbourgh up and tells him, it's time to go.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh is kissing Lady Samantha of Turain goodmorning, before he sneaks of of the suite of Lady Samantha with Slim Bellerby.

When Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Slim Bellerby have left the suite, Lady Samantha of Turain has a refrishing bath to disguise what she and Sir Leonard have been doiing during the night, and gets dressed.

The uncle of Lady Samantha of Turain, Sir Ethan of Turain is entering the suite with her sister, Lady Maritha of Turain to wish her goodmorning.

The two sisters are hugging each other goodmorning, before they all joins the launch area of the theatre, where Niel Hauck is serving breakfast for Sharon Turain and her children, Annika and Gielgud.

David Smith and Lady Stefanie of Wondon are joining the Turainians for breakfast with their daughter, Sophie Smith, and Niel Hauck is serving them breakfast, too.

Later in the morning, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Slim Bellerby are joining the table, too. Slim Bellerby kisses Conrad Combler and Sir Leonard kisses Lady Samantha of Turain again.

Finally Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Silas Combler joins the Turainians for breakfast and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh is kissing Lady Maritha of Turain goodmorning.

Lady Samantha of Turain likes to thanks the artists for the show last night, and David Smith thinks, that is posible, because he knows the artists.

David Smith kisses Lady Stefanie of Wondon, who is eating breakfast with Sophie Smith on her labl, and talking with Sharon Turain and lady Maritha of Turain.

Thus, David Smith takes Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain and Ruddy Locky to the back stage of the theatre.

David Smith arrives at the back stage with Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain with her bodyguard, Ruddy Locky, to the artists, and Lady Samantha can thank the artists for the show last night.

Ruddy Locky immediately kisses Finly Dade, and while Lady Samantha of Turain is flattering the orchestra, Finly is cuddling Ruddy.

Appaerently, David Smith and Abe Walden have studied at The Royal Theatre together and are embarrassing each other.

David Smith, too, knows the brother of Eileen Twinley, Joseph, and David and Lady Samantha of Turain are flattering her, too.

At Lunch, Bettina Hauck wants the visitors out, and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain, Ruddy Locky and David Smith are leaving the back stage.

When Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain with her bodygaurd, Ruddy Locky, and David Smith are returning from the backstage, David is kissing Lady Stefanie of Wondon and starts playing with Sophie.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain are having fun together the rest of the afternoon, while Ruddy Locky is watching them.

At supper, Finly Dade and Abe Walden joins Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain with her bodygaurd, Ruddy Locky, and David Smith after the had practised.

After supper, Lady Stefanie of Wondon likes to put Sophie Smith to bed, and David Smith joining her to their lodging.

Finly Dade immediately starts kissing and cuddling with Ruddy Locky, until Niel Hauck is serving them all supper.

When the night comes, Lady Samantha of Turain resigns to her room, and her her bodygaurd stands guard as usual with Conrad Combler, while Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Slim Bellerby retreats to the castle.

Ruddy Locky and Finly Dade are kissing and cuddling until Conrad Combler promise them, to keep the guard alone. Then they desapeare to the appartment of Finly Dade.

When Ruddy Locky and Finly Dade had desappeared, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Slim Bellerby reappairs, and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh enters the lodging of Lady Samantha of Turain to sleep with her.

Next morning, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh comes bursting in to the room of Lady Samantha of Turain, and wakes her and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh up.

Lady Samantha of Turain gets scared, because she's sleeping with her future husband, but Lady Valerie of Malbourgh calm her, saying that she wants a guard for her and Pete Barta for the weddings.

While Sir Leonard of Malbourgh jumps in his dress, he admits, she's intitle to a guard, and that he'll see to it.

Sument by the desturpence of Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, Slim Bellerby and Conrad Combler is awoken, and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh orders Conrad to keep guarding Lady Samantha of Turain until Ruddy Locky arrives, and Slim Bellerby to excord him to the castle.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh hugs his siter, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, who'll go to the forge and wait for her guard to come for her.

When Lady Samantha of Turain hears her Lieutenant, Ruddy Lockey, she rush out to the guardroom.

Before Conrad Combler could say anything, an anxious Lady Samantha of Turain enters the guardroom, and orders Ruddy Lockey to keep hush about Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, has been sleeping with her tonight.

Conrad Combler doesn't understand it, but he knows, he doesn't has to fear the Lieutenant of Turian any longer.

When Sir Ethan of Turain moments later arrives with Lady Maritha of Turain, Ruddy Lockey loyally reports, that he has been guarding Lady Samantha of Turain all night.

Lady Maritha of Turain flies in to Lady Samantha and hugs her, before they all joins the launch area to eat the launch Lunch Niel Hauck has ready for them.

On the morning of the weddings, Sir Ethan of Turain arrives with Lady Maritha of Turain, Ruddy Lockey loyally reports, that he has been guarding Lady Samantha of Turain all night.

Lady Maritha of Turain flies in to Lady Samantha and hugs her, before they all joins the launch area to eat the launch Lunch Niel Hauck has ready for them.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh finds Lady Maritha of Turain eating lunch at the launch area of Crowned Lion with her sister, Lady Samantha, and he's kissing her goodmorning.

Soon, lieutenant Slim Bellerby greets Lady Samantha of Turain, and tells Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, that his parents wishis to see him.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh kisses Lady Maritha of Turain, and tell him, that she'll join him at the wedding, and follows lieutenant Slim Bellerby to the castle.

At the weddings When Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh is married, Finly Dade, Abe Walden and Jay Hauck starts playing music, and the wedded couples have to dance together.

When the wedding couples have finished dancing, Bettina Hauck and Eileen Twinley performed a dancing show.

After the show Finly Dade, Abe Walden and Jay Hauck are playing music, and Moira starts dancing with Doug Wood, whom is gaurding for Lady Valerie of Malbourgh. She is dance with Pete Barta near Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha of Turain.

Thus, Moira Lieberman gets close to Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, whom is dancing with Lady Maritha of Turain.

Sir Gareth of Lewinton is dancing with Eileen Twinley when he gets tummy ache, and Eileen Twinley has to excord him to a chair.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Lady Maritha of Turain, Sir Leonard and Samantha of Malbourgh, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and Pete Barta asambles around Sir Gareth of Lewinton and Eileen Twinley.

Moira Lieberman needs a room, where she can examin Sir Gareth of Lewinton proporly.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh suggests Moira Lieberman can use her suite to examin Sir Gareth of Lewinton, while she will sleep at the forge to night with Pete Barta.

Lady Samantha of Malbourgh thinks Kari Bellerby shall help Moira Lieberman, and Sir Leonard sends Doug Wood out looking for her.

Conrad Combler helps Ricco Hill carry Sir Gareth of Lewinton to the suite of Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and Etta Combler follows wih them.

After the dancing floor has been cleared, Doug Wood returns and informs Sir Leonard and Samantha of Malbourgh, he cannot find Kari Bellerby anywhare.

Chantelle Wood hears her brother, and huries up kissing Sir Thomas of Wondon goodbye on this cheek, and joins her brother. She tells him, she thinks he might find Kari Bellerby in the bedroom of Moira Lieberman.

Doug Wood thinks, Kari Bellerby has got herself to drunk again.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh offers Doug Wood. he can come with him and Lady Maritha of Turain as they're going to their suite to make their wedding night.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh asks his brother to send his servants home, since he and Lady Samantha will need them in the morning.

In the morning after the weddings Etta Combler wakes up Sir Leonard and Samantha of Malbourgh with breakfast.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh wants to know what all the noise last night was all about?

Etta Combler tells, it was the boyfriend of Kari Bellerby, Doug Wood, who assaulted her brother, Silas Combler, because his has been bonking Kari Bellerby, and that Kari Bellerby is taking care of her brother's injuries now.

Lady Samantha of Malbourgh asks, how Kari Bellerby is. Etta Combler replies, Kari Bellerby seemed to be very satisfied with her brother's performance and punched Doug Wood.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh have promised to make Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha of Turain keeper of the castle, and he have to talk with Sir Patrick of Malbourgh about it, so he asks Lady Samantha of Malbourgh to take care of the domestic brawl Kari Bellerby have with her boyfriends while he speakes with his father.

Autumn Equinox Lady Samantha of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha of Turain prognace they are expecting.

Kari Bellerby complains they should have used conseptive potion, so they didn't risk a child when they mate, but she agrees to visit Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh to let her mother show her, how to examine Lady Samantha of Malbourgh.

Early Winter, Especially the preginantcy of Lady Samantha of Malbourg becomes visible, and she needs her new dress from the tailor. She sends Kari Bellerby down to the town, to get the new dresses for her and Lady Maritha of Turain.


Spring Equinox Lady Samantha of Malbourgh goes into labour. Syreeta Bellerby comes and help out Kari Bellerby, though she thinks Lady Samantha gives birth to early.

Lady Samantha of Malbourgh gives birth to Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh.

Late Spring in the morning at Sir Leonard of Malbourgh's bedroom, he and Lady Samantha of Malbourg are in better mood than Kari Bellerby.

They tell Etta Combler, they have decided, she have to swap position with Chantelle Wood, so Etta shall be the nanny of the child of Sir Benjamin and Lady Maritha, while Chantelle Wood shall be the nanny of young Sir Patrick. Etta Combler must pack her things and move over to Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh.

Early Summer Sir Leonard, Lady Samantha and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh leaves for the wedding between Lady Stefanie of Wondon and David Smith.

Lady Maritha of Turain is heavily pregnant and can't go for the wedding of her niece.

Silas Combler have moved in with Kari Bellerby and Etta Combler but doesn't fancy living together with his sister. Since, Chantelle Wood had a good time with Sir Thomas of Wondon, the sisters decide to swap maids, so Chantelle wood will go with Samantha of Malbourg to Wondon as nanny for Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg and Etta Combler will become maid for Lady Maritha of Turain.

Slim Bellerby follows them as bodyguard.

Since, Finly Dade have promised to play at the wedding so he and Ruddy Locky follows them too.

Midsommer at Rooster Claw, Sir Leonard, Lady Samantha and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg with their nanny, Chantelle Wood, and their bodyguard, Slim Bellerby, and their companions, Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky meet David Smith and Lady Stefanie of Wondon and their daughter, Sophie, who are preparing the nearby Wondon Tower for his wedding.

Lady Samantha of Malbourg makes excueses for Lady Maritha of Turain for not comming to the wedding.

Lady Stefanie of Wondon advices her cousin, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh to stay at The Rooster Claw, since the inn is large and close to Wondon Tower, where the wedding will take place.

Lady Stefanie of Wondon asks her cousin too, if she can take care of her daughter Sophie Smith, while she's preparing for the wedding.

Lady Samantha of Malbourgh answars, Chantelle Wood can take care of Sophie Smith, too.

When Sir Thomas of Wondon arrives to The Rooster Claw with the newly married Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens, Chantelle Wood is a bit discontemped with the fact, she now has to care for both Sir Patrick Jr. and Sophie Smith,

Sir Thomas of Wondon tries to cheer Chantelle Wood up by cuddle her, but he does get a kiss or a hug back, though.

Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens start rehearsing the entertainment for the weddeding with Finly Dade.

Late Summer, Abe, Selina and Dawe Walden arives at The Rooster Claw.

Abe and Selina Walden are eger to join Finly Dade and Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens in their rehearsels, but they need somebody to look after Dawe Walden.

Anxious to make a good impression on Chantelle Wood, Sir Thomas of Wondon suggests he and Chantelle shall be taking care of Dawe Walden, too, however, Chantelle Wood looks like she can kill him.

Then, Abe Walden, Finly Dade and Rowan Frederic Owens start practising the music for the wedding, while Selina Walden and Sherry Owens are practise dancing to the music.

On the morning of the wedding, the Guttricians comes to Rooster Claw. After greetings with the Malbourghians, the all go to Wondon Tower with the entertainers and Sir Thomas of Wondon.

At Wondon Tower, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourg and their son Sir Patrick Jr. arrive to the wedding from Rooster Claw.

They got Chantelle Wood with them as Nanny for Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg, Sophie Smith and Dawe Walden, amd Slim Bellerby as bodyguard.

Sir Thomas of Wonden eagerly helps Chantelle Wood taking care of the Children and tries to make her look happy.

The old Sir Tomas of Wondon marries Lady Stefanie of Wondon to David Smith.

The cousin of Lady Stefanie, Flynn Flower, gives Lady Stefanie and David Smith the juwelery he had made for them.

Then Lady Stefanie and David Smith get congratulated by her parents, Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wonden and the rest of the family of Lady Stefanie Smith.

When the brother of Lady Stefanie Smith, Sir Thomas of Wonden, gratulates Lady Stefanie Smith, she's united with her daughter, Sophie Smith.

Chantelle Wood looks happy, and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh takes Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh of her hands, too.

Lady Philomena Flower congratulates them, too.

When wedding ceromony is over, Abe and Selina Walden, Finly Dade, Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens starts the music.

At the end of wedding night, the musicians stop the music and prepare to go home.

While Ruddy Locky is talkning with his sister, Hayley Locky, Finly Dade goes to Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourg to ask for permission for them to stay at Wonden Town for a while for him to buy an new instrument.

Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh want to retreat to The Rooster Claw, and they demand Chantelle Wood comes with them to nurse Sir Patrick Jr., but they allow Finly Dade and his boyfriend, Ruddy Locky, to go to Wonden Town to buy a new instrument for Finly Dade there.

Chantelle Wood protests, because she wants to be with Flynn Flower until he kisses her, and offers to go with her to The Rooster Claw, so they can be together.

Inspite of protests from Chantelle Wood, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh shall wait for Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky at The Rooster Claw with their servants, Slim Bellerby and Chantelle Wood.

Thus, Jonathan and Lady Stefany Reise with their Grandaugter sleeping, Nia Reise, Leonie Reise, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh, who takes Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh at her arms, because Chantelle Wood is too engaged kissing Flynn Flower, Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric, with Maya Reise as his bodygaurd, and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric with Sir Thomas of Wondon as her bodygaurd are leaving Wondon Tower together.

Sir George sais goodbye to his nice, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh, who will stay at The Rooster Claw.

The day after the wedding, Sir' William of Wonden arrives at The Claw Rooster and want to talk with his nice, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh.

Sir William of Wondon talks with his nice, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh and they plan to leave as soon as Finly Dade joins them at The Rooster Claw, who is still at Wondon to buy an instrument.

Sir William of Wondon have alredy met Finly Dade at The Old Witch and he hope, his nephew, Flynn Flower is not deserping Chantelle Wood as nanny. Lady Samantha of Malbourgh recogn, he can take care of Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh herself while they're waiting for Finly Dade.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh plan to leave for Malbourgh as soon as Finly Dade joins them at The Rooster Claw, who is still at Wondon to buy an instrument.

Sir William of Wondon have alredy met Finly Dade at The Old Witch and he hope, his nephew, Flynn Flower is not desturping Chantelle Wood as nanny. Lady Samantha of Malbourgh recogn, she can take care of Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh herself while they're waiting for Finly Dade.

Next morning, Alexander Reise comes back to The Rooster Claw with his wife and Children.

Jonathan and Nia Reise immediately starts playing withn Nigel Scott, Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh and Lay Scott, while Mattie Scott, Leonie Reise and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh have a good time. Chantelle Wood and Flynn Flower are having a good time by them self,

Sir William of Wonden, Alexander Reise and Natan Meligan then continue to Sharton and hope to find Maya Reise and Sir Thomas of Wonden at The Goblet at Sharton..

After having made sure, his son is in safe hands at Guttric Shire and had giving his a bodyguard, Sir William of Wondon and Alexander Reise are heading home to Rooster Claw.

At Rooster Claw, Sir William of Wondon greets his neice, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh from her other oncle, Sir George Fern of Guttric.

Alexander Reise, stays at Rooster Claw with his wife, Leonie, and kids, Jonathan and Nia, and promised to tell his mother, where Maya Reise is, while Sir William of Wondon continues to his sister at Wondon Tower.

At the end of Late Summer, Finley Dade returns to The Rooster Claw with his new instrument, he have bought at Frank Noneman, but his have breaked up with Ruddy Locky, whom have joint the Turainians to go home to Turain.

Slim Bellerby comforts Finley Dade, but though they have lost a guard, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh finds it safe, to head home for Malbourgh.

Hence, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh says goodbye, to Hugo and Bella Scott and thanks them for the hospitallity at The Rooster Claw.

Lady Samantha of Malbourgh, says goodbye to her new friends, Leonie Reise and Mattie Scott. She invites them both to visit Malbourgh Castle, so Sir Patrick of Malbourgh, Nia Reise and Lay Scott can play again.

Chantelle Wood had been consumed by her love to Flynn Flower, but now she have to realize, she's the nanny of Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh, and has to go to Malbourgh as such. She gets a tender kiss from Flynn Flower and a broch to remember him by, before the depart.

Early Autumn, Thus, it's a very sad company, that starts travieling toward Malbourgh Castle from the Rooster Claw. Finly Dade misses Ruddy Locky and Chantelle Wood misses Flynn Flower.

Slim Bellerby is comforting Finly Dade, and Chantelle Wood seaks comfort at Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh.

When they reached Grossbourgh Castle, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh decides, they need a break, and askes the captain of Grossbourgh, Desmond Jamison, if they can rest at Grossbourgh Castle for a while before they move on.

Sir Leon and Lady Mildred Of Grossbourgh inviate them to stay at Grossbourgh.

Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourg get very well along with Sir Goeffrey Heaton and Lady Petra of Grossbourgh at Grossbourgh.

The sister of Sir Goeffrey Heaton, Lady Mary Heaton Curry, had moved to Nooxy 10 years ago when she married, and the Malbourghian got her old rooms at the castle.

Slim Bellerby and Finly Dade get the old guardroom, whereas Desmond Jamison provides a room of her own for Chantelle Wood.

Autumn Equinox Sir Leonard, Lady Samantha and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg with their nanny, Chantelle Wood make a stop for a social visit at Grossbourgh Castle.

At Grossbourgh, they are spending time with Sir Goeffrey Heaton and Lady Petra of Grossbourgh and their children Sir Leonard Heaton, Lady Denice Heaton and Lady Fraya Heaton, whom is peer to Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg.

Lady Fraya Heaton and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg are playing at Grossbourgh Castle.

Chantelle Wood and Desmond Jamison, the captain of the Grossbourghian Army, whom are supervising Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg, fall in love with each other.

Late Autumn Sir Leonard, Lady Samantha and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg with their nanny, Chantelle Wood return to Malbourg Castle. Slim Bellerby and Finly Dade have made up and are now an item again.



Christmas, at the Christmas Ball, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh cauches Rosalie Chaney pickpocketing her thing, and Rosalie Chaney gets arrested.